thors- og baldersparken DEVELOPER A/B Thors- og Baldersparken The studio has developed a flexible planning tool that aims to strengthen the sense of community and belonging between residents, board and administration. The goal is to create a lively, green oasis where...
Hvalsø Børnehus BUILDER Lejre MunicipalityARCHITECT Lone Backs Architects, Friis & Moltke ArchitectsENGINEER Viggo Madsen A/S, JL EngineeringCONTRACTOR JJ Tømrer & Snedker A/SSTATUS Completed The studio has won the assignment for a new kindergarten in Hvalsø...
Jyderup Børnehus OWNER Holbæk MunicipalityARCHITECT Lone Backs Architects, Friis & Moltke ArchitectsENGINEER Viggo Madsen A/S, JL EngineeringCONTRACTOR JJ Tømrer & Snedker A/SAPR 2024 STATUS Done The studio has won the contract for a new children’s house...
Vallensbæk Church Forest LOCATION VallensbækBUILDER Vallensbæk Church Parish CouncilYEAR 2024STATUS Completed Vallensbæk Parish is the owner of a 16-hectare agricultural area east of Vallensbæk Torvevej. The area is currently leased out. Vallensbæk...
Torslunde cemetery BUILDERS Torslunde Church Parish CouncilSUBPROJECTS Ramp construction. Development plan for 4,000 m2 cemetery + 5,800 m2 new church forest STATUS Ramp installation completed The project won Ishøj Municipality’s Architecture Prize 2024. The...