Tuse Børnehus – Holbæk

Tuse Børnehus – Holbæk

Tuse Børnehus – Holbæk OWNER Holbæk MunicipalityARCHITECT Edvars Architects, Schou & Birkendorf ArchitectsENGINEER Danakon A/SCONTRACTOR JJ Tømrer & Snedker A/SAPR 2023 STATUS Done Outdoor areas for the new kindergarten in Tuse near Holbæk. The outdoor...
Vallensbæk Cemetery Forest section

Vallensbæk Cemetery Forest section

Vallensbæk cemetery forest section BUILDER Vallensbæk Church Parish CouncilAREA 14,000 m2 (forest section)STATUS Completed   new forest section for vallensbæk cemetery The expansion will meet the need for more burial spaces and the growing need for new types of...
Herstedvester Cemetery

Herstedvester Cemetery

Herstedvester Cemetery BUILDERS Herstedvester Parish Council STATUS Pending A green oasis Herstedvester Cemetery is centrally located in Herstedvester, where the green areas serve as a natural meeting place for the city’s residents. The proposal emphasizes...
Lundtofte Cemetery

Lundtofte Cemetery

Lundtofte Cemetery BUILDER Lundtofte Cemetery STATUS Awaiting Deanery processing   The development plan for Lundtofte Cemetery will emphasize the central locations of the church and the burial mound in a system of existing sight lines, partly preserve the...
Kasperskolen – Ballerup

Kasperskolen – Ballerup

Kasperskolen BUILDER Ballerup MunicipalityARCHITECT Juul & Hansen ArchitectsTOTAL CONTRACT Ole Jepsen A/S, specialist contract F. J. Poulsen, playground contract PlanLegAREA 12,500 m2YEAR 2019STATUS Completed Kasperskolen is a special school for children with...