Børnehuset Pyramiden – Gladsaxe

Børnehuset Pyramiden – Gladsaxe

BØRNEHUSET PYRAMIDEN – GLADSAXE BUILDER Gladsaxe MunicipalityARCHITECT Christensen & coENGINEER ArteliaSTATUS Competition Fun and safe place to be a child The landscape around the children’s house optimizes the site-specific qualities and conceptually...
Børnehuset Myretuen

Børnehuset Myretuen

MYRETUEN daycare center BUILDER Lejre MunicipalityARKITEKT WE ArchitectureENGINEER ArteliaCONTRACTOR Adserballe & Knudsen A/SAPR 2024 COMPETITION The outdoor areas for Børnehuset Myretuen will be integrated into an existing school and learning environment in a...
Holbæk Private Realskole

Holbæk Private Realskole

HOLBÆK PRIVATE REALSKOLE OWNER Holbæk Private RealskoleYEAR 2024 STATUS Tender phase A vibrant mosaic of paving and planting types creates a playful, flexible and robust network of varied functionality, spaces and activity levels. With small pockets that provide space...
Jungshoved Cemetery – Præstø

Jungshoved Cemetery – Præstø

Jungshoved Cemetery LOCATION PræstøBUILDER Jungshoved MenighedsrådAREA 6.000 M2STATUS Completed In collaboration with the parish council, the design studio has prepared a proposal for a development plan for Jungshoved Cemetery. Like many other cemeteries, Jungshoved...
Bregninge Cemetery

Bregninge Cemetery

bregninge Cemetery BUILDER Bregninge Parish CouncilAREA 12,600 m2STATUS Completed The development plan for Bregninge Cemetery will embrace the old and new sections of the cemetery in close connection to the church forest and the amphitheater by the lake. The...