tølløse town square – holbæk OWNER Holbæk MunicipalityARCHITECT Edvars Architects new square in tølløse town Tølløse Bytorv must become a central activity and meeting place in the town. The square has not yet reached its full potential as a central gathering...
Ordrupgaard Museum BUILDER OrdrupgaardAREA 43,000 m2 TYPE Foundation project Development, preservation and accessibility of Ordrupgaard’s garden and park Since the first sketches were drawn, Ordrupgaard has been both a green oasis and a setting for great art....
Odsherred Forsyning (Odsherred Water Supply) OWNER Odsherred ForsyningARCHITECT EntasisENGINEER Ingeniørne A/STOTAL CONTRACTOR Rasmus Friis A/SECONOMIC FRAMEWORK DKK 110 million STATUS Under execution new headquarters In the beautiful landscape of Odsherred, we look...
Høje Taastrup Cemetery BUILDER Høje Taastrup Parish CouncilAREA 6,600 m2STATUS Under construction Høje Taastrup is home to a fine old village church and cemetery, and as it is located on the edge of the town, it borders fields and open spaces on one side and the...
AMMERSHØJ SENIOR HOUSING BUILDER Lejre MunicipalityARCHITECT Room ArchitectsGENERAL CONTRACTOR H. Nielsen & Søn A/SAREA 3,500 m2YEAR 2022STATUS Done Dementia-friendly care homes where the special needs of the target group are incorporated into the design, with a...