Toftehøjen Senior housing

Toftehøjen Senior housing

Toftehøjen senior housing BUILDER Ramsø ÆldreboligselskabARCHITECT Juul & Hansen ArchitectsAREA 4.200 m2YEAR 2016STATUS Completed Decorative letting solution The park between the retirement homes at Toftehøjen has a lawn that serves as the park’s continuous...
The Garden by the Fjord – Roskilde

The Garden by the Fjord – Roskilde

The garden by the fjord in Roskilde BUILDER PrivateAREA 200 m2IMPLEMENTATION 2007 A state-of-the-art house in exclusive materials close to Roskilde Fjord is surrounded by a multi-level, multi-themed garden. The west-facing garden closest to the fjord has a coastal...
Baldersbo Housing Association

Baldersbo Housing Association

Boligselskabet Baldersbo department 12 BUILDER Boligselskabet BaldersboAREA 180,000 m2 IMPLEMENTATION 2018 new planting plan For several years, Anne Stausholm Landskab has advised Boligselskabet Baldersbo on renovating the outdoor areas, including renewing the...
Høsterkøb Cemetery

Høsterkøb Cemetery

Høsterkøb cemetery BUILDER Høsterkøb Church Parish CouncilCONTRACTOR F.J. PoulsenSUPPLIER Zurface STATUS Completed 2021 The studio has in collaboration with Architects Bahn and Høsterkøb Parish Council to create the most beautiful new staircase and ramp solution in...
Hedebostien – Zealand

Hedebostien – Zealand

Hedebostia BUILDERS Roskilde, Greve and Solrød MunicipalityAREA 23 KMIMPLEMENTATION 2015construction sum 6.5 million kr. A recreational trail connecting three municipalities In collaboration with Roskilde, Greve and Solrød Municipalities, the studio has further...